Well, I have picked up quite a few new followers lately. Welcome, welcome! Glad you all have come to join the circus here at my place. Sometimes I am funny (or so I hear), sometimes I am serious (when there is cause), sometimes I recount stories of the tragedy that was my teenage years, often I talk about the zoo that is my family, and then sometimes I comment on news, politics and other obnoxiousness celebrities.
Today, would be news, politics and other obnoxiousness.
Seriously people, get over yourselves! It. Is. 2009!
Look, I don't want a bunch of nasty comments here. I don't want your hate mail. Leave it somewhere else. If you are a hater, I might not be your cup of tea. But hear this, we are all people. Regardless of your moral beliefs, or religious affiliations, we are all the same.
Here is what I believe. I believe that we all have our free agency. That's right. We are free to choose right or wrong. That means you do not get to choose what is or is not moral for others! You worry about you, and leave everyone else alone. OKay? K!
So anyshock, Adam kissed a male keyboardist and he also pushed a dancer's head into his crotch. Um....yeah, maybe not the classiest performance, but really ABC? Canceling his Good Morning America spot? That's a bit overly dramatic don't you think? Oh, and CBS, nice! Step up to the plate and grab those ratings bitches! Got to love a t.v. executive with balls of brass!
So Adam, you know I love you. You are GLAM-FUCKING-TASTIC! But, sweetie, that performance was better suited for say....MTV Awards. You know that the big 3 (CBS, ABC and NBC) don't deal well with shock and awe! Hello? Remember that infamous nip slip, planned, wardrobe malfunction on the Super Bowl performance? By one Janet Jackson. Ms. Jackson if your nasty?

Super stardom will come. You are just gonna have to be a bit patient. Don't apologize for being you and don't stifle your creative vibe, but you might want to consider the audience before you go all SUPERSHOCK Rock Stah.
Dude don't make me regret having your back either. Keep it real and don't be a douche!
Now, Oprah. She is leaving the daytime talk show! Woot! Please, please Oprah. Do us all a favor. Do not promote anymore Dr.'s of anything to superstardom before you get your happy ass off the air! Please? And people stop it, stop allowing your opinions about life to be molded by Oprah and Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. Gawd, no wonder the rest of the world thinks we are a bunch of idiots! Hello?
Buh-Bye! See ya! Take the docs with ya!
Oh, and quit putting your narcissistic self on the cover of your effin magazine. We get it. You love yourself.
Ha! I can not stand Oprah. People always think Im crazy that I dont watch her! If I ever became super famous I would LOVE to turn down her show.... lol
I thought that Adam's performance was more Rocky Horror Picture Show than anything else, and I was not so impressed with his song. Loved him on idol...on the AMA's...not so much.
I'm with you . . . It's 2009 people . . . NOT 1909 . . . Well there wasn't really tv back then . . . oh Hell . . . you know what I mean though, right? ;)
I need to get eye make up tip from Adam...for next Halloween!
Your going to love this...
I don't even know who the hell this dude is!
We listen to XM sat radio and very seldom turn on the TV unless we have a movie from Netflix or Ward is watching sports.
Bub-bye Oprah. Won't miss ya' cuz' I haven't watched ya' in 10+ years!
My time spent reading lovely blogs such as yours are much more enlightening and entertaining than TV dribble. Where else would I have learned about "Layers of Goodness"
Awesome post...you give em hell Brandee! Woot woot!
It is a shame that boy is playing for the other team because he is FIIINE
Personally, I would rather not see a guy kiss another guy.
2009 or not.
Girl on girl, though..NOW WE'RE TALKING!
I don't like Adam, personally. I watched one of his performances on Idol and thought he sucked. Gay or straight, I couldn't take listening to him AT ALL.
And buh-bye to Oprah. She's made more money than we all thought was humanly possible. Unless she is planning on adopting me, I don't care what else she does!
You crack me up! Not sad about Oprah at all and really wish she'd take Phil with her. Have a great Thanksgiving!
I'm with ya on this. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.
God I love you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
You said it, girl! I am right there with you on all of this. Although I didn't personally see Adam's performance & haven't googled it yet. I'm too busy swimming in cranberry sauce & shoveling pecans in my mouth....
My dad is gay and so is my BIL. Who cares? People are people and people fall in love with whomever they fall in love with. It's nobody's business but I don't get why people think it's such a big f'ing deal....oh well. I'm glad you got up on your soapbox about it!
i didn't even know oprah was still on tv. i thought she ran into hiding after the oprah versus the cattleman's association debacle. yeah, cuz it looks like she turns down a good steak all the time, right? anyway, i digress. i guess i, for one, won't be missing her.
and adam lambert...? he's such a flamboyant queen...but i love him in spite of it. or because of it. whatever.
cheers, baby. happy thanksgiving!
Hmmm I never got into American Idol this year but I watched that performance. I thought his sparkly leisure suit was fitted too tight. I wanted to call ABC to complain about that. Did he kiss a boy? I didn't notice...I was too busy trying to not stare at the bulge in his pants...
Oprah - meh I got over her years ago. I loved Oprah before she became Ruler of All Mankind. Now she just seems like such a marketing hound.
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
I agree!!!! You were right on!!!!
Oprah lost me when she kept yakking on about menopause and colons...blah blah blah. Daytime rubbish switched to Ellen (hey, I have a baby and need background noise to pretend that there is a world out there!)
Adams eyeliner rocks. Performance? Meh.
OMG, I so agree with your Oprah stuff. Seriously. My eyes did not tear up when I heard her news. As far as Adam, I think he is hot. Period the end.
You said it, girl! I am right there with you on all of this
Work from home India
Oprah could have been president, which is disturbing on so many levels.
I'm back to express my love for Adam (although second to Edward he is up there!) Now Oprah I could live without (-:
I missed Glambert's AMA performance. I loved him on Idol and plan on downloading his cd. I totally agree with you about his antics. (More appropriate for the MTV awards.) Actually, I agree with everything you wrote!
I agree with the magazine thing! I loved the cover Ellen was on! I responded to you on my blog. I have no idea how to get ahold of you except here:) Thats ok gives me a chance to re-read your funny posts!
Love Tawnia
Oprah could have been president, which is disturbing on so many levels.
wagyu beef
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