I want to bow down to the Greatness once again that is Cameron over at Conquer the Monkey. She gave me the following awards:
I'd like to pass these to the following bloggers who's comments make my day and their blogs are as SASSY as SASS gets. (There are some male bloggers here, and yes, they are sassy. But NOT in a gay way ED.)
Mr. Funny Man aka Ed over at Ed's Funny Pages - Mr. Sassafrass incarnate!
Moog over at Mental Poo - I mean really, what's more sassy than naming yourself Midget Man of Steel?
Duckalicious at BATCRAP CRAZY - I love Daff's SASS! Love it!
Erin of The Mother Load - Erin is sweet and sassy. The definition of girly-girl!
Cameron also gave me these:

These loverly awards are most appreciated and go out to the following lovely sweet bloggy buddies. Collectively these ladies are creative, fun, inspiring and the epitome of classy in blogland!
kys of Stir-Fry Awesomeness - She attracts the weirdos. That pretty much covers all of you. Go see her!
The Peach Tart - Just a good 'ol Southern Fried Lady. Love her!
Cheesecake aka Tamara over at Mad Boasting of a Cheapskate Mom (She probably has them but a couple more won't hurt. Right?)
Ashley over at Optimistic Cynicism -She is so cute. I love her take on life and she makes me laugh!
And the last two I received from Cameron are these pretties:
These go to the following SUPERSTAHS:
TangledEutopia - I love her site. She has some serious 'puter skillz!
DiPaola Momma at Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom - What can I say? Lara gives great blog!
Jen over at Hip As I Wanna Be - She inspires me to try to be a better, and thinner person! :)
Duckalicious at BATCRAP CRAZY - Ducky is the Queen of I give good blog!
Alrighty, that concludes the awards from Cameron. Next up, TripleH aka Lee over at Headaches, Hotflashes and Hormones gave me this little gem:

This award goes to the following badass bloggers:
Travis over at I Like to Fish. If you read my blog, you know I have a lovefest with Trav!
LiLu who we all know is BADass! What's more badass than TMI Thursday, and TMI Posters?
Lily of Tapdancing in the Dark my fellow liberal, is also a badass blogger who tells it just like it is!
Alex at Whoa Mumma! I love her Aussie accent. ;)
L over at Tampons & Chocolate. I love her and so should you!
Finally, I received the following award from TangledEutopia, and I love it.
This goes to the following bloggers:
Alicia over at it ain't easy being cheesy. I love and get lost in reading her hot little stories about her fabulous family!
Stephanie over at The Blue Zoo. She blogs about her having a house full of testosterone. Boys, boys, boys! Gotta love 'em.
iNDefatigable mjenks over at A Crown of Thistles . He gives Latin lessons. Need I say more? Smart = SEXY
TripleH this one's for you too! I LOVE your humor woman! Mwah!
So, thanks to all those who bestowed the LOVE on me. I am thankful for your praise.
To those of you I gave awards, I love your blogs, and your comments and your friendship!
Please go see my friends and spread the love. Mwah!
Congrats on well deserved awards.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this award!! A new one and it is OH so cool from one of my absolute favorite gals!! Love you!!
Congrats on all your awards!! And THANK YOU for passing one on to me!!
Congrats and thanks.
God damn I say God damn! (Tear in my eye, Miss Universe style, no masturbation tape included though).
Just discovered all your blogs and you make me laugh each and every day, you, Daffy and Travis.
Squee!!!! Thanks for the award - how fun!!! Sniff... I've never won an award before. :) Can't wait to put it up.
congratulations on all your fabulous awards and thanks for passing along to me.
No money?!
Fine. I'll take the graphic.
I guess.
Not sure how this will pay my electric bill, but whatever.
All joking aside (never!), thanks, woman.
Hey! Congrats! You're one popular lady!
Thank you for my award. I've always wanted to be called a Badass!
nicely done. congrats to you and all the bloggers you bestowed the awards upon...good choices!
Congrats on all your awards, I've heard of most of the recipients but some I haven't so I'm definitely going to check them out!
Damn girl, you are RAKING it in on the awards front!!! And rightfully so. ;-) Thanks so much!
When your Hot - Your Hot!
Way to go with all your awards! Congrats.
Congratulations to you, and thanks for introducing some of those other nice bloggers!
Wholly BATCRAP these awards are CRAZY fun! I'll slap my Oscar's-butt-kickin' award up after I take down the Mom Made Holiday Gift Guide. I can't BELIEVE YOU called lil' ol Moi a SuperSTAH (I'm so going Mary Cathrine Gallagher over here!).. oh and did Jen say "Squee"?! Does SHE know that I'll be giving away the Wii game SQUEE Balls Party over at The Nuggets soon? I mean we're close but I didn't know she could read my mind! WOWZERS I better stop thinking about Ed so much eh? he he
The air is thick with lovin' up in here! Congrats on your awards and to your awardees! <3
Congrats on your awards and thanks so much for passing some of them on to me. (And sending more weirdos my way. Kidding.)
Hey I love Woah Mama as I am also Aussie blogger - I saw her mention on your blog so thought I would have a peep! Great blog! Loving awards you have given as now can check out other great blogs... I have mega aussieaccent over at Chronicles of Sharnia :-)
Congrats! Let's add to the trophy case, cuz I've got something for you on my page!
you are a winner winner chicken dinner today girl! YOU TOTALLY DESERVE THESE! So fun! they look fabbbbbb on your swanky ass blog!
Congrats on the awards. I really love reading your posts!!
Happy Claps for all your awards...damn you get around....
Hehe...Thank you! I'm so thrilled you love my sasss.... I gotta lotta sass to love!
Thanks A Million
I love blog awards:) we need to notice when one of us is exceptional at what we do. I can't wait to check some of your favorite blogs out:)
Love Tawnia
Sweet. Thanks! I'll display that proudly. Eventually. I've got a few things to pick up and what not. I'll get to it, I promise.
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