I love my bloggy buddies. There are a couple of them, that are as C-R-A-Z-Y as me. TravyG aka Travis of I like to Fish for example. Love him. He's funny, and he is like ridiculously addicted to technology. AND I MEAN ADDICTED! See he put together a group of us the chat up on Google Chat. THEN, he decided since several of us have crackberries, that we could all chat via BB messenger. He walked all the non technically savvy chics through downloading all this crap to make it work.
This is the group: The ULTRA Duckalicious and GLAMOROUS Daffy from BATCRAP CRAZY. The Queen, that's what she calls herself, TripleH over at Headaches, Hotflashes & Hormones. The absolutely HI-LAR-IOUS June Cleaver from 3! A Charm.
Wait, I am sensing a theme. Travis, and four women. He is building a harem. WTF? It's like that really bad movie with Richard Gere. Dr. T and the Women. Shit! I may need to rethink this whole "sign me up" thing. Way to go self! Mouth is cashing checks your ass may not want to cash! Not that my ass couldn't cash them, cause let's face it, I gotta enough ass back there to cover what the USA owes China! Fo' Real!
Anychat, the other day we were all goup chattin', cause we are cool like that. And TravyG had thrown out on his blog that if others wanted to join to let him know. And TravyG was tellin' his ladies that he was gonna add another couple of gals to the group. We were all like, Yo! Can they handle us, we swear, and we are SO not politically correct, and we might scare peeps.
Hence, I give you our Chat:
Travis: Dude.
Travis: A Mormon?
Daffy: Ain’t me :D
Carol: Ah. My bad too many msgs
Daffy: No panties to wad today I forgot 'em
Carol: :(
Lee: Natural food eater earth friendly cloth diaper wearing person
Carol: Lol
Brandee: Commando
Brandee: Sweet
Daffy: Til ya wet fart
Travis: HA!
Carol: Lmao
Travis: Oh that's nasty...
Lee: Tmi
Daffy: Love!
Travis: Ladies don't fart!
Lee: We pass the gas
Daffy: Of course not;;)
Carol: Ward would disagree
Carol: Toot
Brandee: Who you callin' lady?
Travis: Dang. I'm in here with a bunch of wild women.
Lee: I want to live with the cleavers
Travis: My poor mind.
Brandee: Me 2
Lee: Ward cracks me up
Carol: He has been itchy lately
Carol: Old man blahs
Carol: I'm in
Lee: He's 50?
Brandee: Um....who would think this shit is funny but us?
Carol: Almost
Travis: Dang. Iffen there will be boobs, I'm in for production rights.
Carol: Boobs of course
Travis: I <3 boobs
Lee: Travis he can promote us
Travis: Damn right I will.
Brandee: Boobies
Travis: As long as promote means masturbate.
Lee: When he turns 50 enroll him in aarp that will scratch his itch
Daffy: Got none...I'll provide the ass shots
Travis: That ain't gonna fly with a Mormon in here.
Carol: TravyG and da Peeps
Brandee: She is not Mormon
Travis: Oh!
Travis: I thought someone said she was!
Lee: Mormon homeschooling cloth diaper wearing person
Daffy: Ha!
Brandee: Lee did, she ain't
Daffy: Zxjhdhjsawqer:akiuyegfa
Travis: Well, I've got her downloading the stuff to get in here.
Brandee: Daff you puking?
Lee: I am laughing
Daffy: Nope :D
Brandee: Doh!
Carol: Just have scroll back a bit for a trial run
Lee: Mormon
Travis: Ha!
Daffy: *giggling*
Brandee: WTF?
Daffy: Vaginal atrophy
Brandee: Lee is obsessed
Lee: She does wear cloth diapers
Daffy: Kooties
Carol: Trav you will need to dump the history or she will see this!!
Brandee: Possibly Possessed
Daffy: On her head
Travis: Listen, if we get to use Mormon, I'm using Jew. That's real.
Daffy: Shhh...Moses is speaking
Brandee: =))
Carol: Lmao!!!
Lee: Brandee I am laughing so hard I am crying
Travis: Who you callin Moses?
Daffy: Wipe the tears w/ a cloth diaper
Lee: Jew works for me cuz I am one YO
Daffy: Hoe
Brandee: This made my day
Daffy: Hum and a bottle of rum
Daffy: A pirates life for me
Brandee: Fuck I can't even see to type
Carol: Rum. I'm game
Lee: I have to use my depends not cloth
Travis: I'm so gonna get drunk this weekend and be on here.
Daffy: *snorting*
Daffy: I knew liquer would bring Carol back
Travis: Fuck pirates anyway. I'm a ninja.
Brandee: VODKA
Daffy: Liquor
Lee: Wiping my eyes
Travis: Lee is a ninja Jew.
Lee: This conVo needs to be a post
Daffy: Damn straight!
Daffy: Shotgun!
Brandee: Pirates and Ninja's
Lee: A bitchy snarky ninja jew
Travis: Dude. Ppl won't laugh. I tried that one time.
Travis: I posted a FB convo. Crickets.
Brandee: I am a Jack Mormon. Take that shit!
Lee: We will fuck the rest
Travis: I'm a ninja Southern Baptist.
Daffy: Wait!
Brandee: >=)
Daffy: Sex? Someone mention sex?
Lee: What's a jack Mormon? You are Mormon but drink jack?
Travis: I'm possibly the hardest to offend Baptist in the world.
Daffy: Captain Jack Sparrow!
Travis: Who’s having sex?
Daffy: I'm back in the convo now
Lee: Can't offend me either
Daffy: Ditto...I married the mob. Gotta have tick skin
Daffy: Thick
Brandee: I drink, smoke, had premarital sex. You know, kinda like a Catholic, without Mass and pedophiles
Daffy: Wood chipper can be sharp
Daffy: Bwaahaaa B!
Carol: HahahahahAaaaa
Lee: Home schooling breast feeding earth friendly shane lover person.
Daffy: Who doesn't shave their pits?
Brandee: Someone needs an exorcism
Travis: Dudes.
Carol: She will be shocked!!!
Travis: I found out how to save the conversation.
Daffy: She had one of those...Hence the happy pills
Carol: Yes
Lee: See, b, that's the kind of Mormon I like....oh and the ones with lots of wives. I dig those
Travis: This will be posted.
Carol: Biglove
Brandee: That's whack Lee
Daffy: Can u say whack to an Italian?
Brandee: She's a Jew.
Travis: Yeah, you just gotta make it sound Italian.
Daffy: Is that kosher
Daffy: I know...I just wondered
Travis: Daffy here is of the fratenzella.
Brandee: Bada boom
Daffy: Ah! Indiana ? That's it
Brandee: Bada bing
Daffy: Bada bing
Daffy: B...wanna meet in the bathroom for a second?
Lee: B, she's Jewish???? For real?? No way!
Brandee: Scooped ya again
Brandee: I was talking about you Lee, keep up
Lee: She's Christian. Says so on her profile!
Travis: Your mom is Jewish.
Daffy: Damn I have to go to class
Lee: Ohhhh, yeah, I'm a Jew
Brandee: Meet you in the ladies room aftah class
Travis: Listen. Everyone loves Jesus.
Daffy: I a cannibal
Daffy: Whoot!
Lee: Both my parents are Jewish and all my husbands too
Carol: I need a smoke
Daffy: Cannon ball I mean
Daffy: You know...I roll and stuff
Carol: And its only wed
Travis: Smoking is bad!
Lee: Me too carol
Carol: Shut up
Daffy: What r ya? A puritan?
Daffy: Lol
Brandee: I gotta go get outta my pjs. Gotta do some errands
Carol: I know its bad but I crave
Lee: B, hope I haven't pissed u off. I am just kidding around.
Travis: You watch who you're tellin to shut up! I wield the might admin hammer!
Daffy: Love makes the world go round!
Carol: B
Daffy: See I'm even stuttering
Carol: Pj are good to shop in
Lee: I really don't like the dudes with lots of wives
Travis: \=D/
Travis: That's me dancing with my power.
Carol: Luv travyg
Brandee: Lee you aren't serious are you? I am not offended
Carol: <3
Daffy: What the world needs now...is looooove
Daffy: Sweet love
Carol: All u need is love
Lee: Okay so I am intrigued by them and their staying power
Travis: If anyone in here ever gets offended, you move that shit to a private chat. Thems the rules.
Daffy: Carol...I totally think we're being ignored
Carol: Yep
Travis: Naw...
Lee: I'm singing the dang song daffy
Carol: Smoke break?
Travis: I love Daff and Carol!
Brandee: Me 2 damnit
Carol: We your peeps:*
Daffy: <3
Lee: Hey! I'm new here but I'm old everywhere else!
Daffy: I'm the middle child...
Lee: Me too
Daffy: Sometimes I have attention issues
Carol: Me too
Travis: I'm the oldest!
Carol: Ditto
Lee: Me too
Travis: The sexiest...
Travis: The most loquacious...
Daffy: We're all middle children except the one with a penis?
Lee: Daff and I have the same birthday
Daffy: Whoa
Carol: Oh so are t ;)
Brandee: I am the oldest too
Brandee: I am THE epitome of Attention Whore
Daffy: ({})
Travis: I have a penis! *waves it proudly*
Daffy: I concede
Lee: I gotta do some more emails don't talk about me when I'm gone!
Brandee: Ok, no need to dick smack up in the bish
Daffy: Blondes have more fun
Daffy: Or so I hear
Crrrraaazy! That's the way we roll! If they can't swim...well...they'll sink? See...not funny this morning. BUT I've reread this convo on EVERY post this morning laughed my guts out as though it were the first time - every time.
Love to you! Imma swishin my tail fins at ya *wink
I love it! Ya'll are crazy. :)
Hehehehe... you are definitely crazy... alas I have no crackberry... and I'm wearing pants, so that takes all the fun out of everything...
Dearest TTM,
I find our crackberry conversations to be so enlightening. Perhaps some day we should share in a cocktail or martini, I understand mix a wicked one.
The joy I receive in reading these wonderful exchanges just makes me want to pee in my panties.
Whilst I have no panties to pee in, I do think that we are a hilarious bunch.
It's a shame y'all might figure out I'm building up a blog harem.
Damn. I gave it away, didn't I.
I wish I had a BB.
Alas, I'll just have to keep leading a life.
We are such the shit!! I didn't put up links...bad queen!!
You guys are hilarious...I only wish I was that funny.
This makes me wanna buy a blackberry.
You are all too funny!!
that is an absolutely titillating (yes, i said it) conversation. seriously...i loved reading it...all five times. are you guys all slacking today? did you all decide to just post an old text conversation and run off and meet for margaritas while laughing your asses off? you have a public to entertain...you have certain responsibilities. you can't tease us this way. now, i want a funny, snarky, foul-mouthed post out of you soon or there will be a revolution! HA! wet fart THAT one, biotch!
I have never wanted a blackberry as much as right now.
I want to throw out all the laundry today instead of washing it.
I'm pretty sure if I had a BB my son would be like totally wild and the boyfriend would look smoked out for lack of food and I'd prolly get fired and what have you so yea...
But I lol'd @ Ed's comment...Lots
I feel like I'm watching really bad porn.
I mean, it's okay cuz - let's face it - it's still porn.
Ah sadly I am BB-less.
Funny post
Kate x
You all were having too much fun. And then you have to go and bring your orgy onto the blogsphere. You all are brilliant in your social networking.
Was that conversation actually really fast paced and more like 5 minutes?
I saw you commented on The Mother Loads Blog Makeover, so I thought I would come and tell you to enter our giveaway! You might win! We are doing 14 total!!!
If the mormon was really an ex catholic turned baptist with a pot smoking hubby, beer making daddy, and likes the wine, I'd bet she could definitely handle ya'll.
Too funny! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) By the way I ADORE your book shelf!
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