Happy Saturday Smackers!
My good friend Nancy Campbell over at Away We Go chose this week's theme. She said she wanted to incorporate fish in her diet, but doesn't like it much. I'm with you Nancy, I know I should eat more, but I am not a huge fish fan either. Most people like fried fish, but I eat VERY LITTLE fried food, so I can't develop a palate for fish by eating the fried variety. So what's a girl to do?
Why ask for a theme on Share a Spoon of course! That's where you all come in! I need lots of participation this week Smackers! Share your favorite fish recipes please! Here is what the American Heart Association says about the health benefits of incorporating Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Fish is a good source of protein and, unlike fatty meat products, it’s not high in saturated fat. Fish is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids benefit the heart of healthy people, and those at high risk of — or who have — cardiovascular disease. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids decrease risk of arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats), which can lead to sudden death. Omega-3 fatty acids also decrease triglyceride levels, slow growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque, and lower blood pressure (slightly). (You can read the whole article and the recommendations on diet according to your age/risk group by clicking the highlighted text.)
Please get the word out and ask your friends to share their favorite fish recipes too! Thanks SMACKERS! Much love from Moi!
Swim on by on Thursday and SHARE your FISH SPOON!
Swim on by on Thursday and SHARE your FISH SPOON!
Not a fish fan either. BUT, I recently tried a baked halibut recipe. You take the fish filet, cover with light ranch dressing (recipe called for mayo which I dont like), some jalapenos and low fat cheese. Bake at 350 for about 40 minutes. Baking time can vary depending on the thickness of the filet and your oven. It was awesome.
I'll pass, thanks!
We love fish at the Notsoawesome House. But I'm pretty boring when it comes to cooking it.
Oh man, my hubs LOVES fish, I hate it. I only like it FRIED. LOL
Which defeats the purpose!
I'm makin your pork chop crock pot recipe today! : )
My recipe? Why fish sticks, of course. Oh, and I also like fake crab (pollack).
I love fish! Here in Australia we're lucky to get awesome fresh fish year round. I just grill it with some lemon and butter and chuck it onto a salad.
Mmmmmmmm! I love fish!
i love grilled salmon. a monkey could make it. get yer salmon. put it on the grill (i go w/the george foreman grill as it is easy to deal with). squeeze lemon over it if you like lemon. a little garlic salt if you like that, too. grill. serve. it is really yummy, and so healthy. if this is too plain, you can add shaved parmesean to the top, and serve with garlic/parm couscous. or with salad. or with whatever.
um, i also like to fry up scallops. cut them lengthwise and fry in a little olive oil with salt and pepper, maybe add garlic or spices that you like. about 3 minutes on each side. they are delicious. if you want to make them less healthy, dip in egg and then breadcrumbs and fry in oil or butter. not so healthy, but pretty deeeeeeeelicious.
sorry for leaving the longest comment ever.
I will be excited to see these recipes. I...we...love fish...but I am LAME when it comes to cooking it. I seriously do not even have a recipe for any fish dish that I have actually tried...that is sad. I always just salt, pepper season and bake...boring! Yeah for this theme I need help.
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