Today I'm joining SupahMommy for PINT. I added some Think Tank Momma flare for you Smackers and I'm giving you some more 10 Things I Hate About You mixed in with the post-its. So, if you have 10 things? Stick 'em on some notes are share with us, won't you?

And don't forget this week's Share a Spoon Theme!
Pretty sure I just fell in love with you. I've a draft post about drivers, and being from Florida myself, I LOVE that you called them "blue hairs"!! I said that here in SoCal (where we're stationed) and I got the strangest look from all in the group I was talking to. But SoCal people are a post all their own. oy
LMAO @ Asshats!!! Classic. You're hilarious. I need to print off your road rules and post them all over Hawaii cause the sun fried everyone's brain here to think they should do ALL 10 of what u posted. My hubby also needs this list too especially # 8!!
Great posts chica :)
Oh I LOVE your post its btw. Wish I knew how to do stuff like that. I'm not too tech savvy so one day I'll try to figure that stuff out, lol.
My contribution to Road Rage:
Also..why do people who drive "Turbo" cars always drive the slowest?
Lovin' your Road Rage Post-its! Feelin' #5 - move over into the slow lane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the 15 pounds!!! Let me know if you beat Travis. My sponsorship doubles if you did (I think those were the was a whole month ago and frankly I have trouble remembering getting out of bed this morning).
They'll give a driver's license to any stupid ass....seriously.
This is a great list! I would love to share (to get it off my chest) one of my road issues... It's this: When I'm trying to merge onto the highway from the entrance ramp, I HATE it when the person behind me whips out and passes me, thus making it harder for me to merge onto the highway. Wait your turn, deuchbag.
Thanks for posting this. It's great.
You are the best mom ever!!! Have fun at the movie.
And, for the record, blogger deserves a big FU on a daily basis.
Hmmmm... remind me to read a few of the road post-it's to Pinkus. He could learn a few things. (I have to stop driving with him)
I think I am going to Eclipse with blogger Julie, can't wait!!
We are in the low 70's all week. It's absolutely beautiful. I hope Momma Nature is kind to you and cuts you folks a break.
i couldnt agree with you more on the traffic tips ugh that aggravates me. Whats worse is my husband drives a crown vic which looks just like a cop car so people will immediately slow to 15 miles under the speed limit its aggravating i think im gonna by a blue and red strobe light just to EFF with those people hHA!!
Wow- lots to agree with here. Enjoy the premier.
Have a great Tuesday!
My husband is apparently allergic to turn signals. He'll be in thick traffic and try to get over a lane. He keeps looking and waiting for an opening. I finally yell, "Turn on your friggin' signal and someone will let you in! We live in the south!" *sigh*
But that's pretty much his only flaw. So I live with it.
My mom just flies low and darts over scares me to death. I am like for crying out loud pull over pull over..use a signal dim your lights.. yeah scary stuff lol
Love your posts, except right now I am feeling the road rage against us because I have a new driver. We have signs telling them STUDENT DRIVER in the window and the public still honks and calls us evil names! Give us a break!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the road rage post-its! Also? I agree with every single one - specially the pace car. I had a friend who just about crapped herself IN MY CAR when I passed a cop!!
It's been crazy hot here too! I'm scared for August because that's when it's normally super hot!
I snorted the whole way through this post.
I winced at some of the driving offenses.
But I really let loose when I read your final note to Blogger!
I drive 5-7 miles over the speed limit, but no more! I hate it when people tailgate me even after I'm driving well over the limit!! uggghhhh!!!
I "love it" when cops turn their lights just to pass a red light,and then turn them off as soon as they are on the other side! Assholes!!
Totally agree with all of your traffic ones. The cop especially- why the heck do they drive so slow? It's like freaking game to them.
Have fun tonight!
I'm so looking forward to drooling over, I mean watching the wolf with you tonight! Yes, it will make me most happy!
I'm related to Casper, the ghost! I'm so over this heat too! My pastey white skin can't take it!
It's directional, NOT decorational! The turn signal that is!
I donated 20 to the Monkey fund. If it's not in your name, it's for you, I swear it.
I saw a man with a bumper sticker that said, "I want your lips around my dick."
Nothing subtle about that.
Some people don't use the blinker at all and some people never turn the damn thing off! Or tap tap tap the brakes. IRRITATING!
Jealous about the premiere!
first of all...15 lbs=amazeballs! keep up the good work!
also, i was just swearing this morning at the tourists. i am all for them coming here and spending their money, but if you are going to drive 15 miles below the speed limit so you can gawk at the beach, pull your ass over so those of use who have to work can pass you!
Love the road rage posties :) Have fun at the movies!
you just got your next follower!! I love the way you just tell it like it is!!!
oh and you definately have my vote for the coolest mom ever!!! I found another TWI_ADDICT!!
What??? I didn't even think they *allowed* turning signals on vehicles in Florida???!!!
driving in los angeles is the most maddening thing one can do in life. it KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLS me. it is cutting years off of my life.
and last monday on the way to work i was stopped at a light when the car in front of me put it in reverse and bonked me. what a fucking moron. this makes the 4th time in 3.5 years that my car has been hit. it is MADDENING. and such a hassle to deal with insurance, car rentals, body shops. maddening. calgon take me away!
You know I've always thought your stickies were the best around! These are up to par!
AND you included traffic ones!!!!!!
Hope you have a blast tonight!
Your stickies rock anyway, Z girl. Have an awesome time tonight with mini me. I have to wait until tomorrow. Go wolf boy!
Not to rub it in or anything . . . but it's been between 75 and 85 degrees over here. :)
lol i love it mama!! i can't stand the people who take days to merge when its a friggin yield! drives me bonkers!! i hope you and the boys had a blast tonight at the movie!!xoxo
Oh gosh! I could go on and on and on and on about idiotic drivers!
Hope the movie was awesome!!
Those wrong way parking lot'ers make me absolutely nuts, and they really do look at you like you are the effer.
You do really rock it hard for hitting the Eclipse premiere. I'm mighty impressed!
Fifteen Pounds! Holy cow, thats awesome. I committed to donating. Is it over yet? Do I donate now?
I used to drive for a living and developed the most serious case of road rage. I am absolutely the person who yells at other cars while I am driving.
Yes. You are the coolest mom, evah! I'm bowing down to you right now.......
I hope somebody comes and helps me up.
PS Congrats on losing those lbs!! That's fantastic!
and you have the coolest POSTIES on the block sistah!
Oh Lord. Drivers. I think you said it all correctly. The first one is my biggest irritant.
If I have to come to a full stop because YOU are turning right, there is a major problem.
How was the premiere?
Congratulations on the weight loss, Superstar!
I moved to WordPress from Blogger about a week ago. I tried to switch the feeds and it's working for some, but not others. Will you check and see if I'm still coming through on your reader or dashboard. If I'm not, and you feel like being nice to me you have to un-follow and then re-follow to get the updates.
Have a wonderful 4th of July!
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