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Post-It Notes Tuesday

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's Tuesday, which means only one thing. Lots and lots of Post-It Notes all over Blogland.
Thanks to the ultra fabulous SupahMommy.
So join the FUN!
Grab the button.
Head over to this site and make your own post-its and get to postin'!
Then go to SupahMommy site and do the Mr. Linky thing so people can come and see yours too!
Yes, this is a show me yours and I'll show you mine, or whatevs...I suppose you pervy types can just be voyeuristic and look on from the corners if ya like.

SO, here we go.  Stick 'em if you got 'em!

Apparently Mr. Linky has been saving my info from a post a long time ago when I linked up to Cheesecake Mom, I promise people, I do post-it notes on Tuesday.  I am not linking up for no reason.

What a mug huh?  Your Dad must be so proud.  You are such an asshat!

Grab the button bitches!  Check out Dual Mom's post on prizes.  Vote for what you want.

Alright Lip Smackers!  Get your butts ready.  It's On Like Donkey Kong Come SATURDAY!!!!
We are in this together.  Here is wishing every single one of you health, wealth and happiness in 2010!
Soon to be Skinny
Think Tank Momma


Unknown said...

I'm so ready for 2009 to be over. I need a fresh start. Lots of bad job stuff in 2009. lost my fav job at Sportsmans warehouse because the store closed and then I lost my job in Nov. I 2 need a job. Bad.

I love the bling!

Anonymous said...

Too funny, "plz don't screw it up!" Memories of childhood, aaahhh...

Anonymous said...

Love your icon too!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to keep commenting but I just put your Google at 100 followers!!! Too Cool!!!!!! Can't wait till i'm there!

Anonymous said...

My opinion, this year 2010 will be your thin time! You will stay trim and thin forever, once you get there. Talking about it and doing it, that's the deal.


Quixotic said...

I, too, am sooo iver 2009. We are having a calendar burning party on New Years to banish the bad ju-ju we all seem to have had this year! You in?

My Life in Purple said...

Agreed with Charlie Sheen. Mystery solved, he's the "half man" in Two and a Half Men

JenniferG - Hip As I Wanna Be said...

Yes, Charlie Sheen is an idiot. Denise Richards must be giggling her ass off right now!

BigSis said...

I am with you - it's time to give a new year a chance not to screw it up!

BigSis said...

I am with you - it's time to give a new year a chance not to screw it up!

MrsBlogAlot said...

Don't screw it up.....Oh how many times have I thought that very same thing!

2010 is gonna be the year!

Heidi said...

LOL at Target!! They really don't want to look around huh? Like tigers with fresh meat.

Unknown said...

LMAO re: charlie sheen. omg.

i don't know when i'll get my notes done today. haven't done them in two weeks. i suck!

The Peach Tart said...

I think 2010 will be a good year for us all.

Ed said...

Great Stickies Tank.

I love how you almost always have one where your talking to your ass. I just hope it never talks back, cause it's breath probably smells.

Good Luck in 2010.

Lori said...

The biatch from Target might have been the same one here at my Wal-Mart. I have never wanted to kick anyone in the face as much as I wanted to kick hers! I had my kids with me too! I am guessing the crap she needed to buy was way more important than people's lives!

I wrote a post-it to Charlie too! LOL

June said...

Bring it 2010! I am ready too!!

Dual Mom said...

Ohhhhh I'm drooling over your bling...good one!

Lee said...

2010 is a welcome change in this home!

Anonymous said...

Go 2010! We'll all be skinny and Charlie will be in prison gettin . . well . . what he deserves. LOL

Menopausal New Mom said...

LeVian!!! Wow Girl, well done!!! Yes, I hear you on the Charlie Sheen mess, what a spoiled idiot. I wonder how proud his kids will be of him when they grow up and realize what a f#$% up he is.

Here's hoping for a great 2010!!!

Travis said...


Congrats on 100 followers! That's awesome!

Here's to 100 more!

Shell said...

Let's hope 2010 is better for all of us!

carissajade said...

Ahhh im with you on 2009, good riddance!!

and as for Charlie sheen.. I have no words. He never ceases to surprise me!

Nancy C said...

Leave it to Charlie Sheen to actually make me feel sorry for Denise Richards: It's Complicated.

Anonymous said...

crap. i am so out of it this week i don't even know what the hell is going on with charlie sheen! how is that even possible?!

love your bling.

i'm so ready for a new year. and whatever it brings. 2009 has not been very kind to me.

Mae Rae said...

Okay, I am totally with you on the old year OUTAHERE! I just checked out the info from dual mom and hooked up for tomorrow's post.

Corrie Howe said...

I told my thighs and buttock the same thing.

Ducky said...

Does the Skinny Bitch challenge mean that we can't do virtual Happy Hour? There are a lot of calories in those fab tinis...

*sad panda* (thanks K) I just got a new puter with a webcam....guess we could do iced tea (unsweetened)...or something...

ScoMan said...

I think this is the first time I've seen a celebrity cop a post it note. The game cranks up another notch...

Busted Kate said...

I KNOW!!! WTF with Charlie Sheen?? His wife has tiny baby twins, for Pete's Sake. What the hell is his problem?

Your fat ass and my fat ass should team up in 5 days.

Meeko Fabulous said...

*raises glass of champagne*

Here's to a great 2010!


X's and O's.

~Meeko :)

Sharnanigans said...

I love.
Thanks for all your comments and support on my blog! Sorry I have been an asshat commenter on yours to date.
I too will be soon skinny!!!! I was skinny about two months ago, quit training and ate for Australia - so did Cowboy - why am I fat and he just the same. Asshat!

drollgirl said...

charlie sheen is and always has been a DIRTBAG! it kills me that he gets any action. same thing with oj simpson. it is just fucking nuts.

Iva Messy said... are gonna rock 2010!!! ;)

Meg said...

Charlie Sheen's an ass. But not as much of an ass as the woman who tried to run you over!

gayle said...

So ready for 2010! Love your notes!! Congrats on 101 followers!! oh and no more Christmas Celebrations here:)

Hissyfits & Halos said...

lol@ "don't screw it up"

2010 is my get skinny, stop drinking cokes, and cooking more year. I'm estimating it will last a whole week. ;) I like my caffeine, I hate to cook, and I'm still freakin' sexy being a chubby girl! ;)


Alicia said...

Hahahaaa!!! I love your tuesday post its!! And charlie sheen needs to dissappear. That guy is such a douche! I hope 2010 treats us better then these crazy last 12 months! Happy new years hun! Love u! Xo

Andrea said...

Oh no, what did Charlie do now? Sigh ... Hmmn, I could stand to lose a pound or two, or ten, or more, maybe I'll check out that challenge!

ClevelandPoet said...

was not a big fan of 2009 so I'm drinking a shot for us all to have a great 2010

Anonymous said...

I must have been hanging out under a rock, cause I have NO clue what that stupid Charlie has been up to!Without your blog I would never have a clue as to whats going on in the world! lol

Claudya Martinez said...

Here's to you kickin' ass in 2010!

Tracie said...

Nice necklace!

Here's to an awesome 2010!