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4....3.....2.....1 The Heat is On!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First of all, I have quite a few new followers since the holiday and I want to roll out the red carpet and give them a proper welcome.  So welcome, welcome.  There are no rules here.  NONE.  I want to be upfront about the content here.  I would think it might be obvious, but sometimes Captain Obvious isn't easy to see.  It's not really his fault since he is all fit and trim and everything, you know, being that he is a Super Hero and all. (Duh!  All Super Heroes have to be fit and shit!)  Anycape, as I was stating, this is a no holds barred kind of blog.  I say what I think, and I make no apologies for it.

Well, sometimes I apologize.  It doesn't happen often, cause let's face it, I am seldom wrong.  Why you may be asking yourself?  Well, because for one thing, I am a Type A control freak personality, but second, and more importantly, I HATE TO BE WRONG.  So, if I can't speak to something with almost certainty, I don't speak to it at all.  CUZ I HATE TO BE WRONG.  But, if I am wrong, I'll suck it up and say so.  That said, I pretty much spew my OPINION on everything.  Just so we are clear, OPINIONS are never wrong.  They are merely that, one person's interpretation of reality, a view of life if you will.

One last thing.  While I like to talk pretty, use the ridiculous vocabulary I have acquired because I enjoy reading the dictionary, and try to make sure I keep grammatical errors(other than run-on sentences, LOVE them) to the bare minimum, cause that drives me completely batcrap crazy, I have a foul mouth.  I do.  It's inappropriate, and it's filth-flarring-filth-flarring filth(or so says Bill Cosby, according to Eddie Murphy).  So I warned you.

O.k.  Still here?  FANTASTIC.  Moving right along.

POST TITLE TOPIC.  You have 4 days bitches!  Count them with me, Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat.  Because I am a forgiving mistress, unlike that mean nasty-get-your-fat-ass-in-shape Dual Mom, we will start on Sunday.  Why?  Well, I am OCD a bit, and the week starts with Sunday, so....we start then.  Deal?  I thought so.

So people, let's get real for a second.  This isn't just about losing weight, although, undoubtedly, we will all do that...together.  It's about getting healthy.  It's about getting fit.  Why?  Quality of life.  Quality of sex!  So we can enjoy activities with our kids more.  So our self esteem improves.  So we live longer.  So we keep our blood sugar in check.  So we don't have daily headaches.  So we don't need medication for high blood pressure due to obesity.  So we look ultra fabulous in that sexy little black dress with red stilettos.  You name it.  Check all that apply to you.  Whatever.  Some of us have a few on the list, some of us have more, some may check all of the above.  This is a support center.  Encouragement hub.  We can do it, if we all do it together.

So, because I love to cook, like....LOVE it.  I will be setting up another blog for recipes.  I will link at the bottom of every Lose It Bitches post with recipes for you all to use(if you want).  I will include calorie info and all that jazz.  Please let me know if you would like to contribute.

Please go visit Dual Mom over at We're at Dad's That Week.  She has a Final Countdown post up.  We were kicking around prizes and stuff over there, so offer your two cents.

And here is my goal for 2010.  I AM DROPPING 100 lbs.  You heard me right.  I know that is like a really huge number(so is my ass), and I know that is a lofty goal, and I know, I know, I know.  But, I will get there.  Eating healthy, exercise, and support will get me there.  And you too, whatever your goal might be.  But let's hear it.  Spill it.  WHAT IS YOUR GOAL?


Meg said...

I'm aiming to lose 100 lbs as well. Possibly more. But at least 100. I just put a post up at my Looking for my Feet blog all about my goals. But goals are good. I just set a new one. In May, I'll be doing a half marathon. (Hold the giggle til I'm gone). I'll be walking it but I'm doing it.

We CAN do this!! And at least I get to do it with some fabulous bitches like you lot.

ScoMan said...

Best of luck with your goal. You can do it!

I have no new goals. I don't wait for a day on the calender to instigate change.

MrsBlogAlot said...

So is my are one funny and determined girl and I know you can do it!!!!!!!

Ed said...

Good luck Tank.

Drop a hundred for me while you're at it.

Anonymous said...

You are the cheerleader for all the people who have declared their independence from overweight. They could not be luckier than to have you as their leader!

Two pounds per week average is what you need, that's a deficit of 7000 calories a week/1000 cals. a day. You can do it if anyone can!

Show it off!


Trac~ said...

I want to lose at least 25 lbs. too and I love your blog. I am a new follower! Thanks for stopping by to say hi on my blog yesterday and yeah, my neighbor isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, if you know what I mean. But, in her defense when I got home last night and was going to call animal cruelty, she had brought her little tiny baby in and out of the cold - it's a good thing too or I would have had to go batcrap crazy on her ass! HA! Have a great day! :o)

Unknown said...

Okay, when I can fetch a few brain cells I will do the pounds to kilos coversion. Technically, I think it's 2 pounds = 1 kg ish. I lost 10 kg in 12 weeks after I had the bub in August. Well I lost 13kg straight away but the rest was just hard work.

Aim = lose 10 kg. I'll figure out the math later.

Anonymous said...

Count me in as a new follower and thanks for the red carpet welcome.

I'm still here! :0) You can so lose the 100 in 2010. I'll be rooting for ya!

BigSis said...

I decided last night that I'm in on the challenge - even if I have to admit the extent of my fatiness and then you post this which convinced me I made the right decision. I was trying to decide if I need to lose 50 or 60 pounds and was SO embarrassed to tell anyone. And, then you one up me with the 100 pound goal - you go girl (and take me with you)!

Shell said...

I LOVE to cook, too, though I like butter and cheese way too much.

I might have some healthy recipes to contribute- I'd have to check!

I gained TEN pounds since moving 2 months ago. TEN. I would like to lose those, plus an extra five for good measure.

Danielle said...

How can I start with you all? I need to lose weight for sure. My goal. 50 lbs.


Menopausal New Mom said...

*standing and applauding*

Yes, hurray, I was hoping to find some"Let's get our shit in a pile and lose the weight buddies!!!!"

I have a post lined up for Saturday to talk about exercise which I have just taken up again. Pulled out my trusty and dusty VHS tape (yep, it's been that long Lol!) and started a couple of weeks ago. I have Hawaii coming up next week, knew about it since September and did nothing but get fat. I now have 6 days to drop 35 pounds Lol!

Well, no excuses, it will come off this year. I'm away for three weeks until the end of January but I am on board! Count me in! All of me!!!

Dual Mom said...

Huh, you're always right? I'm always right. How is it possible there are two of us? lol

I love your idea about the recipes. I'll be following that one. Just make sure you post some easy ones that I can use when I drag my tired, lazy ass home from work and the kids are screaming like they haven't been fed in a week.

And I think you may be my new hero. If anyone can achieve that lofty goal, it's you Zgirl! It's you.....

Michelle said...

My goal is to have a baby?

Okay, okay seriously. About a four weeks pp I am going to start trying to lose about 60. That doesnt sound too big and I feel like I cna do that in a year. Anything more than that (and I KNOW I have more than that to lose) just overwhelms me.

June said...

I have anywhere from 4-8 weeks (depending when we book our trip) to get the dimples off my thighs and ass!

You have set a pretty high goal but I have complete faith you will bust your ass to make it happen!

Danica-Dragonfly said...

K - For starters ... your "sez it like it is", your "potty mouth" and your "unmittigated wit" were what drew me here in the first place ... no apology needed. As to run on sentances ... wellll ... they are my most favorite gramatical blunder goin'.

Now ... let's talk about the white elephant in the room ... er ... ooops, that's me. I see your 100 and raise you another 20 ...K?

You are quickly becoming one of my fav blogs!



Travis said...

Right now I weigh 360 pounds.

My goal weight is 215.

The first six weeks of 10, I will lose 60 pounds.

That's real. And that's my resolution.

Mae Rae said...

My current weight is unknown, my goal is unknown. I will buy a scale and figure that one out. Provided I don't get snowed in this weekend. I will however start my new gym routine on Monday.

Moooooog35 said...

I, too, want to lose 100 pounds.

If only for the fact that I think a 60 pound guy would set some sort of record.

Wish me luck!

Corrie Howe said...

This is great. My realistic goal is 40 - 50 pounds. My dream goal is 70. If I'm like my dad (which unfortunately I'm his body type), then once I start losing, I might be surprised at how much just starts falling off.

But I need the encouragement of others to get to the point that it just starts dropping off.

Ducky said...

The higher the stiletto the thinner a body looks....justsayin

Love the pic! I have totally been weighing myself wrong for years! I'll have to clue my doctor in on the error as well....

Anonymous said...

Wow! A 100 pounds? That is a huge goal!! But I think its great! I lost 45 pounds to reach my goal weight. Being skinny is awesome! So I wish you the best of luck!! I have some Gettin' Skinny tips and workout songs on my blog you should check them out.

Hissyfits & Halos said...

You can crack 100 lbs, EASY! After my second daughter turned two, I finally decided I was ready to loose, and I lost 38 lbs in three weeks. I'm not kidding! I just had to decide to do it. I went from a size 9 to a 0!!! After little e was born, I accepted the fact I would never be a 0 again. I'm aiming for 30 lbs. So, if I loose 10, I'll be happy! :)

You can do it! (in my best Waterboy voice) :)

Hissyfits & Halos said...

You can crack 100 lbs, EASY! After my second daughter turned two, I finally decided I was ready to loose, and I lost 38 lbs in three weeks. I'm not kidding! I just had to decide to do it. I went from a size 9 to a 0!!! After little e was born, I accepted the fact I would never be a 0 again. I'm aiming for 30 lbs. So, if I loose 10, I'll be happy! :)

You can do it! (in my best Waterboy voice) :)

Kelly said...

I want to lose 50 pounds by May. Is that realistic? 10 pounds a month. Maybe June. That puts me less than 10 a month. I want to get pg in July/August, so I wanna be in shape before that.

Nancy C said...

This kicks so much ass. I can't wait to cheer you on!

Anonymous said...

I have about 100 lbs to lose too. It was 88 lbs before Christmas . . . . oooops. But I'll get-r-done. Love the picture too.

Tracie said...

Right now I would like to lose around 230 lbs in the form of an asshat husband.

As Travis says, that's real.

GunDiva said...

I'd love to lose 60, but that's just not realistic. Being that skinny - way back when I was that skinny - was too much work. It involved an hour and a half at the gym six days a week and five soccer games a week (three indoor, two outdoor). I'm pretty sure I'd be ecstatic to lose 50, which I think is maintainable.

BTW, the conversion Kg:lb is 1 Kg: 2.2 lbs, which is why I always want to weigh in Kg, because it's, like, half what I weigh for real.

I'm excited to get started, this'll be fun!

tattytiara said...

Damn. 100lbs? I didn't have a goal, but I gotta admit, that's pretty inspiring. I think I might think about thinking one up. Have a very happy and successful new year!

gayle said...

Oh I am so Glad you decided Sunday ...I kept thinking "why are they starting on Saturday...who starts on a Saturday...I'm not starting on Saturday" Sunday is better but Monday is even better (just sayin).
Love the idea about recipes but Easy please..I hate to cook.
Need to lose 50 lbs..I think.

JQ Brat said...

I've decided to lose 50ish lbs this year. 70 would be ideal but most likely unattainable. I lost 25 lbs this year in just three months but I know the more you lose the harder it gets to maintain that level of loss. Good luck to all of us in the new year!

Anonymous said...

My goal? Is too sit back sipping on my Diet Dr Pepper watching YOU lose weight.

Oh and maybe get off my big fat butt too or three times in 2010.


Anonymous said...

i would like to lose minimum 80, maximum 100 of my own nasty ass dead weight.

then i would like to lose 245 pounds of a nasty ass dead weight husband.

i'm thinking the latter is definitely do-able...and i am going to work my ass off (literally) to achieve the other.

Anonymous said...

My goal is 100 lbs in 2010 too. If you do the math, that's only 8.3 lbs per month. It's totally do-able. I started today so I might have a head start. ;)

NYCGAL said...

THANK YOU for this posting!! I am a friend of Deb's of Menopausal Mom and she told me about your goal. Mine is 50lbs. I am an emotional eater and when my Mom was in the dieing process, I packed on 70lbs in a year. I have done this most of my life when extreme stress took over my life, I turned to food for comfort. Last time after my divorce, I gained 100lbs and lost it through a low carb diet and living in Manhattan walking. I kept the weight off for 5 years until my Mom was diagnosed with cancer and I began taking care of her. I started my diet yesterday and am determined to reach my goal.
Good luck and will be following :)
Happy New Year!

NYCGAL said...

I am really excited about this challenge!! This is great for motivation!!

Unknown said...

I could stand to lose 10-15 pounds. But I'm working against my thyroid, which is a total uphill battle that really sucks.

I weighed in around 130 when I got married just over 8 years ago. I'm now at about 150. I don't want to be unrealistic. I don't think I can lose 20. I dunno. We'll see.

You are awesome and so brave and so inspiring!!!

Anonymous said...

My goal is to lose 48 lbs. Here is my weight loss blog if you want to follow along

The Local Cook said...

Wow, I would love to lose 100 pounds but I'm just not sure I could do it in just one year. I joined a Move it to Lose It program at our gym that starts in another week, we'll see how it goes!

Angelia said...

You seriously crack me up! I'm joining your Lose It Bitches challenge because this bitch needs to lose some major lbs and I need HELP! Thanks for the inspiration and the laughs!