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Merry Christmas to me and you: Brewbot Review and Giveaway

Friday, December 10, 2010

I love coffee houses.  LOVE THEM.  I spent quite a bit of time there when I was working as a technology sales rep.  In between calls it was a quick place to cop a squat, grab some liquid energy and utilize some WiFi.  Spending that much time there though can break the bank!  Not kidding...five bucks or so, several times a day??  Maybe that was just me.

Anyway, being at home I really miss having a nice drink made by a barista specially for me.  I mean, I really miss it.  I live way out in nowheresville so there is no coffee house for MILES.

I have been researching coffee machines, drink makers for the house for quite some time.  I've hemmed and hawed and driven my husband stark raving mad about it.  He doesn't drink coffee, so he doesn't care.  He just said BUY ONE ALREADY.  But, I am not just a coffee drinker.  I like lattes and cappacinos.  I like foo-foo frilly coffee.  So I wanted something affordable that would make foo-foo frilly drinks not just flavored coffee.

ENTER TASSIMO BREWBOT!  When I was given the opportunity to review this machine I literally jumped up and down on the couch.  Seriously, it was a match made in heaven!

Coffee check!
Lattes check!
Cappacinos check!
Tea check!
Hot Cocoa check!

It makes everything a girl could ask for.  Not only that, it makes them perfect with no guess work and even my kids could work this machine.  It has a barcode at the top of each drink disc.  

You insert the disc, press the button and voila!  60 seconds or less later perfection in a cup!

(Look at the frothy goodness!)

I have no patience and I absolutely detest my coffee pot because it's slow and a pain to clean.  The brewbot is easy to clean and fast.  He's actually my new best friend.  (Shhh!  No one tell Ducky she's been replaced by a machine!) 

If you watch the video above you'll see just how cool he is!  Don't be jealous, I have a chance for you to get your very own new BFF in time for Christmas!  

You'll be over the moon when you see all the brands and varieties of drink products as well!  You can purchase them at Walmart, Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and more.  

You can buy your very own BREWBOT for a Special Price plus 2 Tdisc Packages by clicking

Or you can win one here!

Mandatory Entry:

Tell me why you want this for Christmas and who it's for.

Additional Entries:

1 - Follow me through Google Friend Connect
1 - Follow me on Twitter @adrienzgirl
1 - Follow Tassimo on Twitter
1 - Like Tassimo on Facebook

2 entries - Tweet your favorite barista-style drink and include #brewbot or #tassimo in your tweet.

3 entries - Go to the Tassimo site, pick your favorite (or what you'd like to try) T-disc flavor.  Post it on the Tassimo FB page and then come tell me.

All entries will be verified by yours truly.
If your email is not viewable in your profile leave it in the comments.
Contest ends midnight EST 12/14/10.  
I will notify the winner via email.  You have 24 hours to respond or I will pick another winner.  


(Disclaimer:  I received a Tassimo T20 Brewbot and coffee samples for this review.  I was not monetarily compensated for this review.  All opinions are mine and mine alone based on my experience with Tassimo.)


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Dee said...

Oohh that looks yummy!

Dee said...

I follow you on GFC! Lol

Dee said...

I follow you on Twitter!

Andrea said...

OMG! Girlfriend, it's for my husband. Seriously. He'd FALL OVER if I presented him with one of these. No joke. It looks amazing, and my kid is sitting here loving the "robot!" :>

Andrea said...

I follow U through GFC!

Andrea said...

And on Twitter, too!

Andrea said...

Following Tassimo on Twitter! :>

Andrea said...


Andrea said...

Tweet entry #2!

Andrea said...

I'm not on FB, can I just tell you my flavor here? ;) Lemme know!

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

I already follow you on GFC ho!

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

And on the twitter....

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

I now follow Tassimo on the twitter.

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

I "liked" tassimo in two different facebook accounts. (Does that count as two entries? Cuz it totally should.)

Andrea said...

Ooh, Princess should totally get double entries for that. I'm being nice. ;)

I'd try the Tassimo Milka hot cocoa or the Twining's® Chai Tea Latte ... yum!

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

I tweetered it and used BOTH hashtags. I'm smooth like that. And Andrea is my new BFF. *smooches™ girl!

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

Duh! I would totally ingest a case of those GEVALIA caramel macchiato lattes! *dreaming of a caffeine high*

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

Ok...I am totally done now. I would like to say that I would donate this to charity if I won it, but we all know it would be much more charitable for me to get my caffeine fix and be nicer while I'm out in the world hanging with the peasants. That within itself is a charitable act.... (Just keepin' it real...though honestly, I MIGHT would give it to my mom...but I'm not saying for sure in case I didn't! LOL)

Kim of Mo Betta said...

OMG, I want this B.A.D.!!! I luuuvvv coffee house drinks as well, but since I'm on a budget, they are just an occasional splurge. This would be great for the whole family since it does hot chocolate as well :)
(P.S. - bought some peppermint extract today to make your peppermint hot cocoa!!)

Kim of Mo Betta said...

I follow through GFC!

Kim of Mo Betta said...

I follow on Twitter (@kimslittlelife)

Kim of Mo Betta said...

following tassimotaster on twitter (@kimslittlelife)

Kim of Mo Betta said...

Like Tassimo on FB (Kim M)

Meeko Fabulous said...

I'm supposed to be getting the Keurig for Christmas! :)

Kim of Mo Betta said...

tweeted using brewbot hashtag! #1

Kim of Mo Betta said...

tweeted (2nd entry)

Kim of Mo Betta said...

Left comment on Tassimo's FB page! Would love to try the Twinings Chai Lattes and the MH Skinny Cappuccino!!

Kim of Mo Betta said...

left FB comment #2

Kim of Mo Betta said...

left FB comment entry #3!

Vanessa said...

I would like this for myself for Christmas! How horrible is that? I live in a small town & there is not a starbucks or anything similar within 100 miles! =(

Vanessa said...

I would like this for myself for Christmas! How horrible is that? I live in a small town & there is not a starbucks or anything similar within 100 miles! =(

Vanessa said...

I would like this for myself for Christmas! How horrible is that? I live in a small town & there is not a starbucks or anything similar within 100 miles! =(

Vanessa said...

I am following you on twitter!

Vanessa said...

I am following tassimo on twitter!

Vanessa said...

I tweeted about the giveaway (#1).

Vanessa said...

I tweeted about the giveaway (#2).

Vanessa said...

I liked their fb page.

Vanessa said...

I liked their fb page.

Vanessa said...

I would like to try the I would love to try the Gevalia French Vanilla...
& I posted it on the tassimo fb page (#1)

Vanessa said...

I would like to try the I would love to try the Gevalia French Vanilla...
& I posted it on the tassimo fb page (#2)

Vanessa said...

I would like to try the I would love to try the Gevalia French Vanilla...
& I posted it on the tassimo fb page (#3)

Vanessa said...

I am following you through GFC!

Liz said...

this little contraption is something else!

i just love the feel that coffee shops give off. such a positive, warm vibe.

abfantom said...

I'd like to win the Tassimo Brewbot for my husband (and me) so he can get a quick cup of coffee before he leaves for work

abfantom at yahoo dot com

abfantom said...

I follow via GFC: abfantom
abfantom at yahoo dot com

Ducky said...

I want it for me! Because if I win it will be my ONLY Christmas present! (do you feel sorry for me yet?) I get up at 4:30 AM EARTH TIME daily....(do you feel sorry for me yet?) and my day usually ends somewhere around 10 IF I am lucky (do you feel sorry for me yet?) I got booted from my office in the only building I've known for 10 years and thrown to 3rd grade booger picking scab eating hellians. This means I no longer have an office to plug in a coffee pot (do you feel sorry for me yet?) If I had the Tassimo I could buy a thermos to carry the yumminess with me through my day.

And my dog ate the crotch out of my all time favorite yoga pants. No...that doesn't have a damn thing to do with coffee but it was super duper sad nonetheless. Do you feel sorry for me yet?

Ducky said...

I follow your blog! DUH!

Ducky said...

I follow your TWAT teeeheee

Ducky said...

I follow Tassimo on twitter too

Ducky said...

I like Tassimo on FB

Ducky said...

Entry #1 for tweeting favorite drink...peppermint mocha latte

Ducky said...

Entry #2 for tweeting favorite drink - whoot whoot

Ducky said...

I left my wants on the Tassimo FB entry #1

Ducky said...

I left my wants on Tassimo FB entry #2

Ducky said...

Entry #3 - dammnit I'm gonna win this bish....for leaving my wants on the Tassimo FB page

Julie D. said...

I want this because it looks really cool. Who wouldn't want a coffee robot? If I won, I'd give it to my mom to replace her Keurig machine that broke.

Julie D. said...

I'm following you on GFC.

Julie D. said...

I'm following you on Twitter as giveawaysetc.

Julie D. said...

I tweeted.!/giveawaysetc/status/13372557495377920

Julie D. said...

I tweeted (2)!/giveawaysetc/status/13372557495377920

SurferWife said...

I want this present for Christmas for ME. For the sole reason that nobody buys me a proper present so I need to do this shit for myself.

Good answer?

SurferWife said...

I follow you via GFC

SurferWife said...

I follow your hot ass on Twitter.

Scott said...

It may seem selfish but I want one for me becuase it is cool and I think I deserve a good cup of coffee every now and then.

Scott Martin

Scott said...

I follow Tassimo on Twitter. THANKS for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY!!!

Scott Martin

Scott said...

I follow you on Google Friends Connect. THANKS for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY!!!

Scott Martin

Scott said...

I liked Tassimo on Facebook. THANKS for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY!!!

Scott Martin

Scott said...

I liked you on Facebook. THANKS for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY!!!

Scott Martin

tardisguy said...

I would love getting this for Christmas becuase my Mom has been asking for getting something like this because she loves the one that is used in her doctor's office.

slb3334 said...

I would like this for myself as I don't live in a town.

Anonymous said...

Here's how pathetic my current coffee situation is: Back in the late 90's I bought a USED coffee maker from a coworker - and that's the coffee maker I still use everyday. And it's on its last legs. I love coffee, tea, capaccino, lattes - basically every type of hot drink! I would LOVE to have a BrewBot, but don't have a budget for it. So please consider me for the giveaway!!! Thanks!

Holly Lefevre said...

OK, I want that for me because, well I am selfish...although my kids would love it too...easy hot cocoa! Coffee flows through my veins and I love a froo-froo coffee!

Holly Lefevre said...

I follow you everywhere and anywhere!

Holly Lefevre said...

I follow you on twitter (I'll be back to follow Tassimo and leave my comments)

Anonymous said...



calvad said...

I would love this for myself for Christmas because it would be great to offer everyone whatever they want for a type of coffee.

Homero Gutierrez said...

I work nights and usually dont drink coffee, mostly tea, and lately it seems i've been tinkering with the idea of switching to coffee.

empire90 at hotmail dot com

Mysharona said...

I want it for me.I love being able to brew one cup at a time.

Anonymous said...

I actually want this for Christmas, for me :)

Anonymous said...

I follow you on GFC

Anonymous said...

I follow on twitter

Anonymous said...

I follow Tassimo on Twitter

Anonymous said...

I like tassimo on facebook

Anonymous said...

Tweeted about #brewbot x1!/amandab33/statuses/13642486530449408

Anonymous said...

Tweeted about brewbot x2!/amandab33/statuses/13642486530449408

Anonymous said...

I posted on facebook that I wanted to try Gevalia Caramel Latte Macchiato x1

Anonymous said...

I posted on facebook that I wanted to try Gevalia Caramel Latte Macchiato x2

Anonymous said...

I posted on facebook that I wanted to try Gevalia Caramel Latte Macchiato x3

PAIGE said...

I want this because my present coffee maker is from the Clinton administration and I'm sick of keeping it clean. It ould be your Christmas present to ME!

Giant Sis said...

I want this for a present for my husband! He only rarely drinks coffee or hot beverages, but this would be a nice "extra" to have at home for the times when he gets those cravings!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

I follow you on twitter (giantsis)
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

I follow Tassimo on twitter (giantsis)
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

I Like Tassimo on FB (liz t. newsome)
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

Posted about my favorite (Suchard hot chocolate) on the Tassimo FB wall - liz t. newsome
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

Posted about my favorite (Suchard hot chocolate) on the Tassimo FB wall - liz t. newsome
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

Posted about my favorite (Suchard hot chocolate) on the Tassimo FB wall - liz t. newsome
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom
#3 said...

a friend already has one. I am so jealous. Love a great cup of coffee or hot chocolate.

Suz said...

My parents love coffee. I'd give this as a joint gift to them.

txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

Suzanne Lewis

Sue E said...

I want the Tassimo for my husband because he is a big coffee drinker and he has been wanting a single serve type for a long time.

Sue E said...


Sue E said...

I follow you on Twitter as suebaby05

Sue E said...

I follow tassimotaster on Twitter as suebaby05

Sue E said...

I "Like" Tassimo on FB

ranya112 said...

Since my current coffee maker is hanging on by a mere coffee ground, it I won it would be for me.

iridia718 at gmail dot com

hiann88 said...

I want this for myself. I've been very good this year (for a change).

hiann88 said...

GFC follower

hiann88 said...

Follow you on Twitter @adrienzgirl

hiann88 said...

Follow Tassimo on Twitter

hiann88 said...

Like Tassimo on Facebook

hiann88 said...

I like Maxwell House Café Collection Cappucci # 1

hiann88 said...

I like Maxwell House Café Collection Cappucci # 2

hiann88 said...

I like Maxwell House Café Collection Cappucci # 3

hity88 said...

I want this for my wife who is very particular about her coffee.

hity88 said...

GFC follower

hity88 said...

Follow you on Twitter @adrienzgirl

hity88 said...

Follow Tassimo on Twitter

hity88 said...

Like Tassimo on Facebook

hity88 said...

I like Maxwell House Café Collection French Roast Coffee # 1

hity88 said...

I like Maxwell House Café Collection French Roast Coffee # 2

hity88 said...

I like Maxwell House Café Collection French Roast Coffee # 3

Nance Meyer said...

I want to win it for my parents!

nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com

Nance Meyer said...

I'm a GFC follower!

nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com

Deb K said...

I want this for Christmas so bad..As my cousin has one and we made coffee and it was so good!

So~this would be for me :-)


Deb K said...

I follow you with GFC~Deb K


Deb K said...

I follow with Twitter~Deb55106


Deb K said...

I follow Tassimo with Twitter~Deb55106


Deb K said...

I like Tassimo on FB~Deb S


julis55 said...

I would give it to my Dad because he loves coffee.

Unknown said...

This would SO be for hubby! He is a coffee guru. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Amanda said...

I would love to win this for ME =) I love coffee but my hubby would love it to.

Amanda said...

I follow via GFC.

Amanda said...

i Follow Tassimo on Twitter.

Debbie C said...

I want to win this Tassimo Brewbot for my Mom because she is a bigtime coffee lover and really appreciates a well-made cup of coffee.


Debbie C said...

I follow you on Google Friend Connect. (Debbie C)


Debbie C said...

I would like to try Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee Coffee with the Brewbot.


Lisa Berkery said...

This would be for my husband and myself. We absolutely have been wanting one of these so bad but currently do not have the money to get one.

lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Lisa Berkery said...

I follow via GFC under Lisa B.
lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Lisa Berkery said...

I follow you on Twitter. @Berksgirl
lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Lisa Berkery said...

I follow Tassimo on Twitter. @Berksgirl
lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Lisa Berkery said...

I like Tassimo on Facebook under Lisa Berkery.
lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Lisa Berkery said...

I would love to try the Gevalia Swiss Hazelnut. And I posted it on their Facebook page under Lisa Berkery.
Entry 1
lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Lisa Berkery said...

I would love to try the Gevalia Swiss Hazelnut. And I posted it on their Facebook page under Lisa Berkery.
Entry 2
lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Lisa Berkery said...

I would love to try the Gevalia Swiss Hazelnut. And I posted it on their Facebook page under Lisa Berkery.
Entry 3
lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Lisa Berkery said...


Entry 1
lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Lisa Berkery said...


Entry 2
lisaberkery at gmail dot com

Michelle Pixie said...

Let me just say this would be all for Momma! I need this! ;-)

Michelle Pixie said...

I follow via GFC

Michelle Pixie said...

I follow you via twitter

Anonymous said...

Oh... this is for ME. I'm the mommy and I don't have time to get to the coffee shop for caffine therapy so this would be a wonderful Christmas present fromt me me.

Anonymous said...

renski17 follows via GFC

Anonymous said...

Facetwit17 follows @adrienzgirl on twitter

Anonymous said...

Facetwit17 Follows Tassimo on Twitter

Anonymous said...

Renski P likes Tassimo on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Fav barista-style drink tweet -


Anonymous said...

Fav barista-style drink tweet -


Anonymous said...

Facebook post on Tassimo -

(Renski P)


Anonymous said...

(Renski P)


Anonymous said...

(Renski P)


Tarah said...

I would love to get this for my husband for Christmas. He likes the idea of having coffee by a single cup, he never drinks an entire pot.


mogrill said...

I would get this for my Dad. His coffee pot just broke (While I was there!!)
Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

My daughter loves her coffee in the morning on the way to school and her coffee pot has stopped making hot coffee - only lukewarm - so she has to zap it to heat it up before going down for the bus - this would be for her - She'd be in heaven! LOL

Mir said...

I'd keep it for myself and want it for Christmas because I don't drink tons of coffee and whenever I want some, it's a hassle making just a cup (and I want the good stuff, not instant). This would be so perfect and I have a feeling I'd be drinking more coffee.

Anonymous said...

My Brother loves coffee; this would be for him!

toughturtles said...


its for me enjoy a good cup of coffee and i will make a cup of tea for my wife

rah267 said...

I want this for my husband for Christmas because he loves coffee

Hotsnotty2 said...

I would love to win this for my husband, he's a coffee addict! Thanks for the chance!

jlafount said...

Beats my cheap Mr Coffee machine

jessica a said...

I would love to win this for my mom.

smilekisses said...

I'd get this for myself. I work a factory job and steady graveyard shift to boot and this would be so handy for me there.


Unknown said...

i want this to keep me full of yummy caffeine during those early holiday mornings. and it would be for me.. but i may let my family use it. ;)


Unknown said...

gfc: ferriza2 (danielle b)


Unknown said...

twitter follower @ferriza2


Unknown said...

twitter follow them @ferriza2


Unknown said...

fb fan them : xferriza2 (Danielle b)


Trisha D said...

i hate my coffee pot, it takes forever to brew. its old and ugly.

Trisha D said...

i follow you on twitter @whitetrashtrish

Trisha D said...

i follow tassimo on twitter

Trisha D said...

i like tassimo on fb

wcc said...

I would like to have this for Christmas to take the place of my $5 Black Friday '09 coffeemaker that doesn't do its job too well. Thank you so much for the chance! :)
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I'm a blog follower via GFC.
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I follow Tassimo on twitter (@whitechocolatec).
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I posted on the Tassimo Wall: #1
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I posted on the Tassimo Wall: #2
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I posted on the Tassimo Wall: #3
whitechocolatecherries at

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be honest, I want this for ME. I have wanted one the moment I saw it :) Also, I'm not getting anything at all for least not that I know of.

My husband and I aren't getting eachother gifts this year, and I don't think anybody else is buying me anything. I've spent all of our Christmas money on the kids (of course, the most important people!). So it would be nice to win this and I would think of it as a present!

Anonymous said...

This would be for my daughter, she has become a coffee lover, and starbucks is getting more of her money than they need to.

intime said...

i want this for my sis who loves diff. drinks

intime said...

Follow youthrough Google Friend Connect

intime said...

Follow Tassimo on Twitter @intime111

intime said...

Like Tassimo on Facebook jen twark gersch

Jenn S. said...

I would love to get this for my husband. He would LOVE it.

jas8929 at gmail dot com

Jenn S. said...

Following Tassimo on twitter: jashelep.

jas8929 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I would love to win this for my mother. She deserves a single cup of delicious every morning!

Jackie said...

I want this for Christmas for me! I love tea & hot cocoa and I don't really like using the microwave and this is the perfect appliance!

Jackie said...

I follow you via GFC.

Jackie said...

I follow you on Twitter.

Jackie said...

I like Tassimo on Facebook.

Jackie said...

I tweeted!!/JackieCross/status/14714608325492736

Jackie said...

I tweeted!!/JackieCross/status/14714608325492736

Jackie said...

#1 I'd like to try the Twinings teas and the Suchard hot cocoa.

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